Title: Tom and Jerry in Refriger Raiders
Description: Raid the icebox as Jerry and Nibbles or help Tom catch the mischievous mice.
Category: Action-Adventure
Title: Run Jerry Run
Description: Tom has caught Jerry stealing a block of cheese of bridge. Help Jerry reach his mouse hole before Tom catches up to him.
Category: Action-Adventure
Title: Tom and Jerry - Midnight Snack
Description: Place the limited arrows correctly to get Jerry to grab all the cheese and the key to open the door.
Game controls: Use mouse to play the game.
Title: Tom and Jerry Bowling
Description: Play a game of bowling with Tom and Jerry. Just click the mouse when the desired position is reached and release it if the power is set
Game controls: Mouse - Click and release.
Title: Tom And Jerry In Super Cheese Bounce
Description: Bounce the cheese off jerry's head all the way to the wheelbarrow.
Game controls: Mouse - over to move Jerry.